Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Musings of a New Mom

Sometimes I look at my little boy and I see a human being that is so sweet
so little
so smart
so cute
so sinful.

Alright well I know he has not deliberately disobeyed his parents, or lied, or stole, or sinned in his anger, but it's a matter of time. 

I recently was reading an e-mail from another mother who was grieving over the choices that her son was making in life.  He was breaking his parents' hearts in the way he was living.  I thought to myself, "My son will not do that to me, he'll love me too much.  Love will cure all." But I quickly snapped out of it and realized that my son is not immune from the human condition.  He is going to make stupid decisions, he is going to hurt others, he is even going to hurt me, the one who loves him.  And it will happen more than once, probably daily. 

Yet I love Him.

You see, the love I have for my son is a small, imperfect reflection of the love the Heavenly Father has for me, His child.  He brought me into the world, knowing what a mess I would make of my life at times, how much I would hurt others, how much I would hurt Him.  Yet He loves me just the same.  Like a good Father, He sees in me not just what I am, but what I can become: an image of His Son, who He loves.

Parenthood has taught me more about the character of God.  I am sure I will continue to learn as time goes on.

Back to my precious baby boy.