Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Musings of a Procrastinator

Procrastination.... few are immune to it.  Those that are immune to procrastination are the people that are always on a schedule, always are on time, and never have any fun (at least that is what I tell myself to feel better about my own shortcomings on timing).

Nonetheless, I have been putting off writing a blog for quite some time.  I'm too busy, too boring, too short, etc.  My recent excuse has been my newborn son (who is now 2 1/2 months old and quite the adorable offspring).  However, I have realized that I am always going to be busy.  There are always going to be dishes to wash, thank you cards to write, bills to pay, and exercise to be done (riiiiiight).  So I am buckling down and starting a blog, with the intention/goal to write in it 2-3 times a week.

Now the hard part...what do I write about?  There are so many facets to life, which one do I approach to write about?  Then I realize, who says I have to choose? 

We are a culmination of all the different roles we play, "hats" we wear. 

Over my lifetime I have been a daughter, friend, sinner, princess, student, teacher, aspiring librarian, sleeper, comedian, and dog-trainer to name a few.  Over the past year or so I have become a fiance, a wife, a mother, an avid couponer, and homemaker.  As I write I hope to process what I am learning with you, and hope that you can share your journey, your roles with me. 

Then I can put on another hat, "listener."

Be blessed.  Oh, and feel free to give me a hard time if I haven't posted in awhile. Because procrastinators need a push here and there...or a cattle prod.