Thursday, December 9, 2010

Musings of a Snot Sucker

Nasal aspirator, nose cleaner, snot sucker, plastic ball looking thing.  Chances are if you are a parent or have had contact with children you are probably familiar with one of these:

Jackson this past week was quite congested.  I tried to use the "snot sucker" as we call it in our house on him.  He HATES that thing.  He squirms and cries and flails and cries some more.  As I try to hold him still I tell my precious son, "Stay still, this will help you.  I know you don't feel good, but you will feel better when I'm done, I promise.  It's for your own good." 

And sometimes God teaches me in weird moments.  This was one of those times.  With the plastic-bulb-looking-thing in hand I wondered: How often do I go through a particular situation that is uncomfortable and I fight God?  And all the while God is saying, "hold on, this is for your own good.  You will be better after this is done."

Maybe you are experiencing some discomfort--
Maybe you got passed over for the promotion at work
Maybe a person that annoys you suddenly decides they are your best friend
Maybe finances are tight
Maybe your health is less than optimal
Maybe you are lonely
or tired
or afraid

Yet all the while God is doing a work in you and on you. 
Romans 5:3-5
Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. 

Though it is not fun don't fight Him.  He knows what is best. 

Just like me and my snot sucker.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Musings of a New Mom

Sometimes I look at my little boy and I see a human being that is so sweet
so little
so smart
so cute
so sinful.

Alright well I know he has not deliberately disobeyed his parents, or lied, or stole, or sinned in his anger, but it's a matter of time. 

I recently was reading an e-mail from another mother who was grieving over the choices that her son was making in life.  He was breaking his parents' hearts in the way he was living.  I thought to myself, "My son will not do that to me, he'll love me too much.  Love will cure all." But I quickly snapped out of it and realized that my son is not immune from the human condition.  He is going to make stupid decisions, he is going to hurt others, he is even going to hurt me, the one who loves him.  And it will happen more than once, probably daily. 

Yet I love Him.

You see, the love I have for my son is a small, imperfect reflection of the love the Heavenly Father has for me, His child.  He brought me into the world, knowing what a mess I would make of my life at times, how much I would hurt others, how much I would hurt Him.  Yet He loves me just the same.  Like a good Father, He sees in me not just what I am, but what I can become: an image of His Son, who He loves.

Parenthood has taught me more about the character of God.  I am sure I will continue to learn as time goes on.

Back to my precious baby boy.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Musings of a Procrastinator

Procrastination.... few are immune to it.  Those that are immune to procrastination are the people that are always on a schedule, always are on time, and never have any fun (at least that is what I tell myself to feel better about my own shortcomings on timing).

Nonetheless, I have been putting off writing a blog for quite some time.  I'm too busy, too boring, too short, etc.  My recent excuse has been my newborn son (who is now 2 1/2 months old and quite the adorable offspring).  However, I have realized that I am always going to be busy.  There are always going to be dishes to wash, thank you cards to write, bills to pay, and exercise to be done (riiiiiight).  So I am buckling down and starting a blog, with the intention/goal to write in it 2-3 times a week.

Now the hard part...what do I write about?  There are so many facets to life, which one do I approach to write about?  Then I realize, who says I have to choose? 

We are a culmination of all the different roles we play, "hats" we wear. 

Over my lifetime I have been a daughter, friend, sinner, princess, student, teacher, aspiring librarian, sleeper, comedian, and dog-trainer to name a few.  Over the past year or so I have become a fiance, a wife, a mother, an avid couponer, and homemaker.  As I write I hope to process what I am learning with you, and hope that you can share your journey, your roles with me. 

Then I can put on another hat, "listener."

Be blessed.  Oh, and feel free to give me a hard time if I haven't posted in awhile. Because procrastinators need a push here and there...or a cattle prod.