Friday, August 22, 2014

Change-- Five Minute Friday

     So today is my ten year high school reunion.  I can barely believe it's been ten years since I donned the cap and gown, hugged family and friends, and embarked upon a new adventure.  Smilling from ear to ear, I could hardly contain my excitement of moving into a new season of life.  I was so ready for adulthood.  Oh, adulthood.
    What has changed?  Like the changing of seasons, it happens slowly and then you turn around and everything is different.  I've graduated college, started a career, bought a house, got married, had 2 kids, bought another house.  {Side note: I feel like you can "pretend" to be an adult for quite some time.  Even with one kid, life kind of goes on.  Two kids?  I'm definitely promoted to "adult" status).  I've gained weight, lost weight, gained it again.  I have developed a couple of grey hairs and the start of wrinkles (hopefully more "smile lines" than "furrowed brows").  My level of independence has grown, and yet shrunk, because others depend on me now.
   I think about my beliefs.  My political convictions are not what they were.  Spectrums shifted to become more liberal or more conservative.  Like a muscle, my faith has been strengthened and challenged and shifted and adjusted.  Hopefully it will continue to do so.  
  And yet tonight when I meet the other members of my graduating class I'm tempted to put on a face, to make my life seem that is has become oh, so glamorous in the past ten years... and it has.  I have a husband that I can't imagine life without, two beautiful children who light up my life, and my life is filled with love from family and friends.  Sure, many days are not as glamorous--filled with spit up, whinny kids, and a husband who well, sometimes needs a helpmate more than I would like.  However, the change in my life has been oh, so good.   For that, I am eternally grateful. 


  1. This year would be my 37th since graduating high school -- and I have yet to go to any reunions. Just not brave enough.
    Good post.

    Stopped over from Five Minute Friday

  2. I am on year 16 since high school. It seems like a lifetime ago that I was there. You're right, one day you turn around and everything has changed. PS-- I love the thumbnail photo you used! Visiting from fmf.

  3. Hi stopping in from Five Minute Friday. 10 year reunion I remember - next year will be our 47th. Talking about seasons - they go fast. Before you know it the kids will be having their 10th reunion. I look back at how fast it has all gone. Savor the moments.
