Friday, June 13, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Messenger

It started off with a little red dot on the corner of the infamous Facebook logo.  I had a message.  It could have been from just about anyone, but starting in the summer of 2009, my heart leapt at the possibility of words from him.

Two teachers, the summer and lots of time to kill.  Facebook messenger soon became worn out with frequent conversations.  They over the past several years had separately and coincidentally started teaching, bought houses, and rennovated.  The conversations started about those simple subjects and graduatally evolved into ideas about faith, family, stories about our upbringing, and all matters of serious and silly thoughts of the heart.  Eventually they found out that they both had spent time in the same South African country, in the same small town, with the same kids of an orphanage only a summer apart.  Oh, and they both liked pineapple on our pizza.  No ham.  Only pineapple.   They were obviously a match made in heaven.

Facebook messenger turned to emails, then to phone calls.  Phone calls turned into a blissful first date, a second, a third.  They were soon inseparable even during a semi-long distance relationship.  Talks turned to a summer wedding.

Then one day a new messenger appeared.  In the form of a faint plus sign, the couple learned they would not only be husband and wife soon, but father and mother.  Life would never be the same.

It's been now five years almost to the day of that first facebook message.  I am so thankful this upcoming holiday for the wonderful man that is Father to my two beautiful children.  Together we have grown and changed and cried and laughed and enjoyed life together.  In all of this, my wonderful husband, and "baby daddy" is the best messenger of the Heavenly Father's love.  For that I am eternally grateful.


  1. Beautiful post! I'm also thankful for my Guy, who's a great dad too! Keep writing, Friend! -Robyn @ the 5-Minute-Friday gang!

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